GPS Standard is an Innovative SME (PMI Innovativa)

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GPS Standard is an Innovative SME (PMI Innovativa)
Pubblicato da Communication Office in Entreprise · Lunedì 02 Set 2024 ·  1:15
Tags: InnovationR&D
GPS Standard has achieved Innovative SME status!
We are pleased to be able to make this announcement on the occasion of our fiftieth anniversary; this result consolidates our commitment to innovation in the security and intrusion prevention sector. Since 1974, GPS Standard has offered advanced solutions such as perimeter protection, video surveillance and intrusion prevention systems, collaborating with prestigious research laboratories and universities for the development of cutting-edge solutions, such as the new RADAR 077, a system patented at the beginning of 2024.

Being an Innovative SME (PMI Innovativa) - a concept introduced following the establishment, in 2015, of the legislation referring to startups - is the confirmation of how innovation is in our DNA. We pursue this objective not only in research and development, but also for ESG aspects, from environmental sustainability (with EMAS and ISO 14001:2015 certifications) to the adoption of the code of ethics, from high standards of ethics and legality to social initiatives.

Being an Innovative SME is not a plaque to hang; for us at GPS Standard it is a state of mind, which we have been pursuing with commitment and dedication for fifty years.

We see ourselves as a startup… fifty years old 😉

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P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 | Cap Sociale € 750.000,00 int. versato

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