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GPS Standard has been chosen to protect the MOSE
Published by Communication Office in Corporate · Monday 09 Oct 2023
Tags: VeniceMOSEsecurity
We are proud to announce that Venice will soon be equipped with GPS Standard’s security systems!
In fact, once the procedures were completed, the first official order of our products arrived - anti-intrusion, perimeter and software - for the protection of the MOSE, the modern system of mobile dams operational since 2020 to defend the city and the lagoon.
We have long protected museums, works of art and monuments; today we add the prestige of having been chosen to protect not only the most important national infrastructure of modern times but also the most prestigious museum-city in the world.

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P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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