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Project engineering
All over the world and in particular in the areas of greater risk, we protect against sabotage, vandalism and various forms of attack on industrial sites; we ensure the safety of people in classified areas with a high risk of explosion; we monitor and manage production sites and industrial processes.
Our solutions have been chosen worldwide for their reliability even in particularly difficult areas and in extreme environmental conditions.
Sensitive sites par excellence to which specific characteristics apply, such as extreme climatic and operational conditions, with particularly high risks for personnel safety. All of which necessarily requires a very attentive risk analysis and sophisticated design to ensure an accurate choice of technologies and related equipment, so as to guarantee the reliability of an efficient and effective systems.
The most sophisticated integrated technologies are needed, such as video surveillance with intelligent image analysis, to detect "anomalous" errors, combined with access controls systems with multiple levels of credentials, including fingerprint verification or facial recognition.
Our solutions have been chosen for their reliability even in particularly difficult environments and in extreme conditions.
We guarantee an unique answer to the security demand of shopping centers, retail and large-scale distribution, ensuring video surveillance, intrusion detection and access control.
We use intelligent image analysis to support operators by highlighting only those real risk situations that security officers need to focus on. We offer differentiated access control systems that use PINs and biometric facial recognition in addition to reading cards, ensuring maximum security.
Wide and long experience gained in this sector has led us to the realization of the "Secure Villa" proposal which includes the most advanced security systems for the protection of villas, castles and VIP residences. Our technicians, in collaboration with installers and dealers, specifically study the spesific needs of the user and design made-to-measure security systems.
Our technical support team, thanks to over 45 years of experience in project engineering, is able to support the customer from the design phase to the on-site testing.
1) Risk assessment
2) Evaluation costs
3) Intregation with GPS Standard's products and other third parties' products and solutions
4) Technical specs analysis
5) On-site survey
1) Detailed technical and commercial offer
2) Block diagrams
3) Support to EPC/System Integrator/Installatore
4) Dedicated detailed documentation
5) Product demos
1) FAT and SAT
2) Free training courses on GPS standard products
3) Detaild project documentation (FDS, CM, IOM)
4) Detaild technical schemes
5) Start-Up
1) Remote technical support
2) On-site technical support
3) Upgrade training courses

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About GPS Standard | Ethics | Green Policy | Contact Us | Work with us | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap | (+39) 0125-968611 |
P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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