GPS Plus - perimeter protection system
Solutions > Perimeter protections > Invisible protections

The system registers pressure changes in the terrain’s surface when it detects running, jumping, driving, etc.
In all surface areas and underneath sand, grass, pebbles, paving, asphalt etc.
From 10m to 400/800m (Stand Alone) / 12.8 Km (Multiplex). The detection strip is about 3 metres wide (6m with a particular configuration).
Up to 4 zones (Stand Alone) / 64 zones (Multiplex).
Invisible and undetectable, unaffected by the weather and small animals. Works also in hilly terrain and in special applications (e.g. indoor). Low and inexpensive maintenance. Aesthetically pleasing.
GPS Plus®, Ground Perimeter System, is the ideal solution for sites at high risk of intrusion.
GPS Plus® is designed with DSP microprocessor technology (Digital Signal Processing). The signal from the sensor is digitized and analysed in time and frequency domains, providing extremely accurate processing.
In addition to high immunity to weather related interference, typical of the underground tube system, the sensor can also identify signals to be ignored, such as those with a repetitive frequency (rail, road with high traffic density, etc.) and only considers signals generated during the crossing of the sensititve area by intruders.
The system is passive and, therefore, not detectable.
GPS Plus® is available in 2- and 4-tubes versions. Both versions are available in Stand-Alone and Multiplex.
The Stand-Alone version, 2- or 4- tube with DSP analyser for outdoor use, ensures maximum protection of 200mt per system.
Multiplex ensures maximum protection of 12.8 Km with a single perimeter control unit (MIND™). The architecture allows interconnection of up to 64 MIND™ units.
GPS Plus® is based on the detection of a difference in pressure between two tubes laid down and buried along the perimeter to be protected, then filled with a liquid that allows operation even at low temperatures (antifreeze) and properly pressurized.
Crossing the sensitive strip generates a pressure difference in the tubes; this is detected by a special transducer and the signal thus obtained is analysed by the processor, which will identify the alarm conditions and send them to the control centre. The system can also store signals generated immediately before and after the event that can be reviewed later.
The ability to calibrate the sensitivity of each section independently allows the system to be adapted to the particular characteristics of each individual installation.
GPS Plus intelligent components are self-protected by a "watch dog" system; in case of shutdown, this will automatically restore normal operation.
This system can be combined with other protection systems (perimeter, indoor sensors, CCTV, access control, fire systems) and it can be centralized with flexible solutions for any requirement and application.
- Signal processing in the time domain.
- Signal processing in the frequency domain.
- Combined frequency-time processing.
- Use of masks to characterize and recognize signals sent by sensors.
- Detection of signal energy levels (spectrum analysis).
- Listing per category of signal energy matrixes.
- 2 local inputs and 2 relay outputs available (underground version).
- 8 local inputs and 8 relay outputs available (optional) in the outdoor analyser version.
- Local recording, selfcalibration.